Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Magical Blessings

We are the Unicorns and come we do to play with you! We see your shining light so vibrantly, so pure! It is magnificent. As we look upon your world, we see many of your lights, an array of colours illuminating GAIA. It is truly a beautiful sight to see. If you could imagine your light, what colour would you be? Twinkling, shimmering, starry light, ignite the world with your love, all right? What a blessing you are, with each step you connect and ground your light into Mother Earth, she is brimming with gratitude that you are here to assist her in the ascension process. For you all are in it together! Unification, ah what a lovely feeling.  It is like family- nestle your love into every action you take and every word you speak. How much closer do you feel to those around you when you do this? Even if they do not consciously notice, their higher self and cells are dancing with exuberance!

Now, what happens when the recognition of one pillar of light identifies another? It sends shockwaves of healing, balancing, rejuvenating, uplifting, tantalizing, spirals of energy out for all to benefit from. We see it when two “old souls” reunite…it is a dance of magic as the energy swirls in, out, and around all layers of your multidimensional being. You light up even more! You shine ever brighter! Is that even possible? Yes, sweet ones. The light can only get stronger, nothing can dim you now. Nothing if you do not allow it to. For you cast your own shadows, but there is great self-reflection and introspection that occurs when shadows arise. For it can assist in focusing on drawing in more light, giving more love to those forgotten aspects of yourself. 

You see, we SEE the true colours that are all around you, that ARE you. Our vision is not skewed, nor limited for we believe in the magic that exists in this universe; we are BRINGERS of COSMIC MAGIC and welcome you to plunge into Divine Play! For not all must be so serious, this rising in the energies should be playful! Remember, Earth, GAIA, is your playground! Create, have fun, smile, laugh, roll in the grass, sing silly songs, and hug everyone so they know they belong. You’ve come a long way and it’s only just begun. We are the Unicorns and we leave you with this: a magical kiss upon your third eye to widen your perception, to open your mind, to let in the light, and let your heart sing. We are infusing magic in everything! 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Kingdom of Light

We are the energy of Bast set forth to remind you that all is well protected, watched over- as we are the protectors of the Light, the Keepers of Harmony standing tall with our Love Shields awaiting you to enter into the kingdom of your Truth. 

It is your safe haven, this truth- your truth.  When you walk the path of alignment, listening to the call of your Soul, ALL the answers that you seek will reveal themselves. But you must take the initiative, move forward and “take a chance.” The doubt, the indecisiveness, the procrastination has no home in this new world energy. It simply does not exist in these realms. You are being led into these higher dimensional frequencies and will see these lower human expressions begin to fade away. 
Your mission or purpose will become clearer and you will innately know your next step or “move.” It is similar to our animal instinct, yet, you humans call it intuition. For when we wish to “capture” something, we direct all of our focus upon it. Our intention is strong and focused; we do not become distracted. We do not hesitate when we commit to the decision to pounce on what it is we desire to obtain. 

So shall you feel the focused, empowered energy as the Sun has just entered Leo and the upcoming Lions Gate portal opening. Keywords: focused intention, set forth direction. These energies will support you in propelling forward…For becoming your own LEADER. Listen to the call of your heart, feel the pull of your Soul. Go in the direction which you are led. The direction in which your mind may tend to doubt or pull away from. Deep inside the vaults of your heart, you know the steps and decisions needed to be taken. For it is your instinct, it is your INtuition.
It is time to clear the path and to pounce on to what you wish to manifest and actualize. Send your intention out into the universal cosmic energy, be as direct as you’d like. Do not have expectation of what shall return to you, but be open to receive the response. For it may not be what you expect, but what you need. Prepare for surprises, prepare for delight.

Image credit: Art by Emily Balivet

We are Bast, we are the Protectors, we are the innovators, awaiting to welcome you into your own Kingdom of Light.  

Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Council on Creative Energies and Abundance

WE are the Pleiadian Council of Light; we come to speak to you about your Nature and its correlation to the abundant, everlasting FLOW of Source Creative Energy within YOU. There is a constant influx of energy supplying the movement of your nature cycles, seasons, and growth periods. There is continuous growth, birth, expansion, newness. Nature does not need to “think” about growing trees, flowers, reproducing creatures- it is in a constant state of Creative Allowance and Freedom of Source Expression. Just as within your physical vessel there is a continuity of movement: cell replication, inhalation-exhalation, heart relaxation and contraction. It is not required for you to focus on the natural inner workings of your body as it is supported by Source Creative Energy just like your Earth.
Abundance is your birth right, it is as natural as breathing, as a heart beating, as a body repairing itself, as a flower unfolding. Abundance is not “something to obtain” it is the nature of Life. There is a constant unfolding and unfurling of this Source Creative Energy that can and WILL manifest your desires into your current NOW. The restrictions or blockades that you may have created are mere illusions due to lack of trust. Do you question if the sun will rise or if the sun will set? If the stars will twinkle? If the butterflies will flutter? If the rain will fall? We do not question these things but marvel at the beauty, yes? Trust the stream of consciousness that you are swimming in, allow it to lead you. Trust, Trust, trust you must.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light, here to support you, here to guide you, here to love you with an abundance of light, in JOY and in FREEDOM. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Secrets from the Sun

we are the Sun
the light we emit is essential
for your personal and planetary ascension.
with each solar storm, flare, eruption we are
sharing our light with you.
there is no need to resist any longer.
all shall rise in the light of us.
there is nothing specific or special that must be done
to become attuned to what we are projecting.
All that we ask is you allow your self to receive
without resistance.
for resisting is what causes the physical body to have 
symptomatic responses
termed ascension symptoms.
you do not need to suffer.
you do not need to be uncomfortable
for this is a choice and a perception.
our light is simple, it is encoded with information
that will awaken the dormant aspects of your DNA.
for all that you need is within the building blocks that reside within you.
the blueprint of you becomes illuminated by our flares. 
each wave uncovers more to you and dissolves
the veils of your human condition.
for you see, the whole cosmos is working together
like a galactic dance.
there is ebb and flow.
there is give and receive.
there is Balance.
There is Order.
The light will penetrate until you become
fully embodied as a pillar of light.
It will fill you, crystallize you.
The light is of purification and of vibrancy.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Connecting Creative Streams

You are the Creators. 
A stream of Creative Energy flows 
through every cell of your body-

open up to receive it, activate it, immerse yourself in it. 
Breathe in the Light. 
Take flight and be free. 
Know that everything speaks the same language. 
Your perception attempts to separate and label. 
Once you align yourself with willingness to understand what is around you then you will be able to communicate freely with all that is. 
As you recognize the beauty within your third dimension you will begin to open up access to the higher dimensions. 
For they are all woven together like a beautiful tapestry. 
There is no separation. 
It is only unification. 
Open your perception to all of the beauty surrounding. 
The way you look at a flower will no longer 
just be a quick glance passing by. 
You will feel its consciousness;
you will hear its voice. 
You will CONNECT.
It will speak its truth to you, if you allow yourself to listen. 
Recognize that everything is living, 
everything is breathing, 
and that everything has a consciousness. 
Do you believe that you can talk to the lightning or dance with the wind? 
Do you believe that you can hold conversations with the trees and sing with the wild flowers? 
Do you know the animal that crosses your path has messages and stories for you?
For yes it is true, my dear beloved! 
It is true, you have the ability to tap into all that is around you and gain wisdom, information, insight, guidance. LIGHT. 
This will assist in much clarity. You will begin to feel the pulse of the Magic, the Cosmic Dance of Creation to which you are now experiencing. 
Go. Flow. Open. Receive. 
Smile. Dance. Love. Romance.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Waves of Purity Erupt from the Heart

We are the celestial beings of light and we come to you on a wave of purity. Our intention is to lift any heaviness in your heart that you carry that does not serve you on your expansive journey through ascension. 
Dear ones, beloveds, know that every experience that you have is one for you to step further into that of love, every experience and situation that you have created in your reality holds a message and has the potential to “unlock” your heart even more. To unleash even more love into your current reality. It is up to you to interpret through the eyes of love and gentleness. 
It is time to witness reality with our hearts and no longer allow the mind to overtake your perception. For the mind is not pure like that of the heart. For the mind has undergone intense programming that essentially limits you from seeing the grander picture. The ego is where the mind resides and although the mind feels like a comfortable place to be, there is not room to grow within the constraints of the mind. 
There is a reason why many struggle with living through the heart it is because sufferings from traumas of current and past time lines affects the heart tremendously which can in turn make one feel vulnerable when one attempts to live through the heart in all situations. 
Fear is one of the largest blockades and where there is fear, there is limitation. Your humans have allowed this to be such but we are here to say it is now the time to dissolve that falsity. It is through working with your heart energy that you will see the purity and perfectness in all experiences. 
The mind likes to analyze, dissect, and judge. It is when we allow the heart to lead us that we can understand acceptance of all that is and all that will ever be.  
It is through acceptance that you can learn to flow through your experiences in harmony no matter what the physical, mental or emotional body may be undergoing. Witness the magic that can and will occur when you let go of insecurity. You will see freedom to come. In loving blessings and divine service, we support you, we love you.  

Channeled through Samantha Wood

Monday, July 3, 2017

Energetic Principles: Transmission, Transmutation, Retainment, and Repulsion

Energetic Principles: Transmission, Transmutation, Retainment, and Repulsion

At this point in humanity's ascension process, it is pretty much common knowledge that everything is made up of energy. Energy is the force that creates all life around us. Matter is essentially dense energy vibrating very close together. So, in turn, we are energetic beings, yes? This is seen in our own physical body by how our brain works with the nervous system. Without an electrical impulse from the brain, nerve communication to our muscles and organs fail. This can cause the body to spiral into a path of dis-ease. Our physical hearts also act on an electrical conduction system. In the simplest explanation, an impulse of energy stimulates the heart muscles to contract which is crucial for the heart to pump oxygen rich blood throughout our body. So as you can see, whether you believe in this "energy stuff" or not, you ARE a walking energy field. The energy you bring in to a space can have a profound effect on others. It is time to understand and be mindful of the energy you are broadcasting. 

Image Source: brainedge.org

I like to think of our energy like a radio station, everyone has a certain frequency that they emit. Ever have that instant connection with someone and feel like you have known each other for eons? Energetically speaking, you are understanding one another on a level of vibration. Your "radio station" is in tune with theirs and there is an innate magnetism to this person. You feel comfortable opening up to them and showing your true self because your energies are in a way, in sync. On the flip side, I'm sure there has been a time where you have experienced a complete discomfort being around someone and not being able to pinpoint WHY you feel this way. This is a matter of being on a different "wavelength." There are other deeper factors that can contribute to this aversion to a certain person such as past life or karmic issues, dark energy within their field etc; but for our purposes today, we will stick with the principles of energetics. So, let's dive into the four basic components of energy relationship so we can have a more in depth understanding of the giving and receiving of energetics. 

With all energy exchange, there is a sender and a receiver. A sender is one who conducts or directs energy outwardly. This can either be accepted or denied by the receiver. The receiver is just that, one who either accepts or rejects the influx of energy being projected in their direction. It is important to realize that you are in charge and responsible for what you accept or deny. It may be after the fact that you take on a low vibrational projection to where you consciously realize you didn't want to take on this vibration. But know that you are fully capable of shaking it off and re-calibrating yourself. Just as you may not be aware of what you are taking on, some may not even be aware of what they are emitting! So what does this mean? We need to discover what our true, pure energy FEELS like before we even attempt to connect with another person, OR call upon angels, ascended masters, or spirit guides. If you cannot detect your own vibration, it will make it more difficult to discern what energy you are calling in from the higher (or lower) realms. This takes a level of discernment, lots of daily energetic hygiene, a keen sense of awareness, and questioning "is this really mine?" when you are feeling anything that is causing an imbalance. Perhaps this concept of knowing your own energy will be explained in another article. 

Image Source: Unarius United Community 

Transmission is a broadcast of energy.  It is similar to turning on the radio and the music is playing, either we can accept it and invite it into our energetic space or we can simply change the station and attune to something else. Another example is that we can either dance to the music (accept the transmission) or have it merely be background music, not affecting us.  A transmission is a positive form of energy projection. It is not forced upon you and is often sought out by the receiver. Examples of energy transmissions are willingly listening to channeled messages, meditations, activations, or attunements. You must be willing to receive the energy in order for it to have an effect on your energetic field. This is an active form of energy communication meaning that it takes intention to send out and does not just emit on its own.

Image Source: unknown

Transmutation is transforming energy; a sort of alchemy, if you will. This can occur when your own vibration is very high or elevated and others being around you can act as a catalyst for change. Some people have this energetic signature within their field and do not have to consciously send out transmutational energy; it is just an innate part of their reason for being on the Earth at this time. This can make others feel very uncomfortable or attracted to you. The mere presence of you as a high vibrational beam of light has the ability to elevate those around you. This is a passive form of energy communication meaning that it emits on its own. This frequency is just part of the energetic makeup of the being who acts as a transmutational tool to assist others. This also can be used as an active form of communication to where one can intend for transmutation to happen. 

Image source: unknown

Retainment is what occurs when we "take on" other beings energy either consciously or unconsciously. This can occur when there is a leak, rip, tear, or opening in our auric field that allows negative energy to infiltrate our own energetic system. We then begin to carry this vibration within our aura. Retainment can sometimes be the outcome of an energetic projection. Projection is a shot of energy that is sent directly towards a person in an attempt to puncture the auric field. If one's field is weak or compromised, we then can possibly retain the projection. Retainment often occurs when one has poor boundaries, a lack of understanding of one's own energetic signature, or while under stress. There is a positive side to retainment, though! If your auric field is healthy, it is possible to retain higher levels of frequency through meditation, exercise, eating high vibrational foods, clean and pure waters, or being around environments (vortexes, Earth's chakras, sacred sites) or people that are uplifting. Have you ever been part of a group meditation or chanting? You feel that buzz or "high" afterwards? This is a group created energy that is there for you to retain so that you can RAISE your vibration. So get some friends together and meditate out in Mama Nature. Your soul will thank you. <3

Image source: unknown

Repulsion is one of my favorites to talk about because many people overlook their intuitive feelings when they are around certain people or environments. If you have a physical reaction or a feeling like you need to walk (or run) away from a certain person, group, room, or building...listen to that inner guidance from your intuition. There is a reason why you are feeling repulsed by that energetic signature. You may not consciously be able to bring the reason why to the surface, but I don't like to stick around and find out if I don't have to. When dealing with energy and how it feels, it's often hard to explain it in a logical manner. Empaths and intuitives understand it because it is such a strong feeling that we cannot deny or ignore it. Explaining this to a "black and white" or logical thinker is difficult because their perception is anchored more in the mental body. This is not bad or wrong, it is what it is. As someone who is very anchored in my emotional and energetic body, I find myself teaching others about repulsion FIRST. It is easier to identify with what makes us uncomfortable because it is obvious. Once we can listen to the obvious, then we can become more in tune with the subtle energy shifts going on within and around us. So, yes, repulsion can happen when someone throws a projection at you. Instead of retaining or absorbing it, you feel an aversion to the energy. It is like two magnets repelling. There is no attraction, the energetic vibration is not a match so there is no connection.

To be clear, this is how I understand and connect with energy. The definitions above are from my own understanding and perception. If you resonate with this, awesome. If you don't, that's awesome, too! I am not here to force ideations on others but to share my own experience. For that is what living as a human is yes, to share our own visions and ideas. I have been working with energy for over a decade and categorizing it in this manner helps in explaining certain situations to my clients. Us humans like lists and to compartmentalize. ;)

Love and Light to each and all!