Monday, July 24, 2017

Kingdom of Light

We are the energy of Bast set forth to remind you that all is well protected, watched over- as we are the protectors of the Light, the Keepers of Harmony standing tall with our Love Shields awaiting you to enter into the kingdom of your Truth. 

It is your safe haven, this truth- your truth.  When you walk the path of alignment, listening to the call of your Soul, ALL the answers that you seek will reveal themselves. But you must take the initiative, move forward and “take a chance.” The doubt, the indecisiveness, the procrastination has no home in this new world energy. It simply does not exist in these realms. You are being led into these higher dimensional frequencies and will see these lower human expressions begin to fade away. 
Your mission or purpose will become clearer and you will innately know your next step or “move.” It is similar to our animal instinct, yet, you humans call it intuition. For when we wish to “capture” something, we direct all of our focus upon it. Our intention is strong and focused; we do not become distracted. We do not hesitate when we commit to the decision to pounce on what it is we desire to obtain. 

So shall you feel the focused, empowered energy as the Sun has just entered Leo and the upcoming Lions Gate portal opening. Keywords: focused intention, set forth direction. These energies will support you in propelling forward…For becoming your own LEADER. Listen to the call of your heart, feel the pull of your Soul. Go in the direction which you are led. The direction in which your mind may tend to doubt or pull away from. Deep inside the vaults of your heart, you know the steps and decisions needed to be taken. For it is your instinct, it is your INtuition.
It is time to clear the path and to pounce on to what you wish to manifest and actualize. Send your intention out into the universal cosmic energy, be as direct as you’d like. Do not have expectation of what shall return to you, but be open to receive the response. For it may not be what you expect, but what you need. Prepare for surprises, prepare for delight.

Image credit: Art by Emily Balivet

We are Bast, we are the Protectors, we are the innovators, awaiting to welcome you into your own Kingdom of Light.  

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