You are the Creators.
A stream of Creative Energy flows
through every cell of your body-
open up to receive it, activate it, immerse yourself in it.
Breathe in the Light.
Take flight and be free.
Know that everything speaks the same language.
Your perception attempts to separate and label.
Once you align yourself with willingness to understand what is around you then you will be able to communicate freely with all that is.
As you recognize the beauty within your third dimension you will begin to open up access to the higher dimensions.
For they are all woven together like a beautiful tapestry.
There is no separation.
It is only unification.
Open your perception to all of the beauty surrounding.
The way you look at a flower will no longer
just be a quick glance passing by.
You will feel its consciousness;
you will hear its voice.
You will CONNECT.
It will speak its truth to you, if you allow yourself to listen.
Recognize that everything is living,
everything is breathing,
and that everything has a consciousness.
Do you believe that you can talk to the lightning or dance with the wind?
Do you believe that you can hold conversations with the trees and sing with the wild flowers?
Do you know the animal that crosses your path has messages and stories for you?
For yes it is true, my dear beloved!
It is true, you have the ability to tap into all that is around you and gain wisdom, information, insight, guidance. LIGHT.
This will assist in much clarity. You will begin to feel the pulse of the Magic, the Cosmic Dance of Creation to which you are now experiencing.
Go. Flow. Open. Receive.
Smile. Dance. Love. Romance.
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